The Litter Lights philosophy

In our fast-changing world, everyday objects cease to be useful after a while. They’re either obsolete, unusable or simply out of fashion. Generally they finish up on the rubbish tip. Litter Lights aims to counteract that process of obsolescence by reinterpreting discarded objects of this kind or finding new functions for them. Old objects acquire a new glamour or new use. Litter Light objects also undergo a functional uprating thereby. And they help meet two of the most important demands on our consumer society – the need to recycle and to save energy. Litter Lights products are made exclusively from objects and materials destined for recycling. The newly created light objects will of course use energy-saving bulbs.

What are Litter Lights?

The Litter Lights range includes lampshades for standard lamps, table lamps and chandeliers (available in five series, Coralline, Simplicity, Retro, Avantgarde and Phoenix) and diverse items in the Accessories series (salt/pepperpots, musical instruments, jewellery, Advent wreaths). They are all produced from recycled materials, chiefly old chandeliers and standard lamps, plastic bottles, cups, coffee capsules and necklaces. They are exclusively hand-made, and each object is unique.
Recycle art/design
by Barbara Predin